‘Simple first’, you don’t want the space shuttle for a trip to the market, a Honda will do.  -enfohub
Our Mission
We are an American company based just outside of Los Angeles, California. enfohub's mission is to empower small businesses.  Our user-friendly web App combines multiple solutions in one application, including an all-in-one website builder. With enfohub, business owners can effortlessly build their website or have our designers create one for them.  Our App offers business tools like, email marketing, customer/staff info management, Form makers, and a standout feature, the free Task Manager App.  enfohub has strived to simplify technology for those who don’t have great computer skills. 
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 “For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned,” –Benjamin Franklin (it might just be 10 minutes earned per minute spent organizing, but still, it’s a well spent minute!) -enfohub
Frequently Asked Questions
What type of businesses was the enfohub App created for?
The App was created for small to medium size businesses. Even someone looking for weekend work.

A large company like Walmart would not want our App because of the many different products they have. Unlike the big website builders like GoDaddy which has One-Size-Fits-All websites, enfohub was built to help just smaller businesses, even one-person businesses and occasional side job workers.
What is different about the enfohub Website Builder App?
First, it is much more than just a website, the enfohub App has several business tools - it is not just a website! The Email Marketing tool is great for sending invoices, bills, reminders, marketing and more. All from the same dashboard as the website. There are contact managers to keep total track of customers, employee records, etc. Check out all the tools, and we are adding new tools every few months.
How can I manage a website, I know nothing about computers?
If you can manage a cell phone, you can manage our website App. It was designed for non-technical people. If someone is really non-technical we recommend having your Rep design it, the cost is minimal. After it's been created your Rep can show you the few features you will want to understand and use. Then the App should be easy enough for you to do what's needed. Your Rep or our Support team can always be reached if you have a question in the future. We want our customers to be successful!
I have enough business - I don't need a website, right?
All businesses, regardless of size should have a website and one they can manage. Websites are today's business cards, and more. It may not be about staying busy today, it is about investing a very small amount in your business to make sure you stay busy in the future, in addition to the time it saves.
What do you say when I say I am not sure I can afford a website?
As small business owners ourselves, we say you cannot afford to not have a website! For a little more than your Netflix subscription, you can have a website. Another way to think about it is, if a small business were to get one additional customer a month, that would more than pay for the cost of a website. If they got 10 more, it would clearly be a business changer.
Is the enfohub App better for me than the big website builders like GoDaddy?
If you are a small business, we believe it is for several reasons. First, we have features they do not have, like our Facebook like News Feed. Our 1-Step Buttons that, along with the Permissions feature, allow staff members to be safely included in regularly updating the website. This reduces management's duties and makes the website better for customers and for SEO. Notifications that tell management there was just a change to the website - now make sure the staff made the right changes. Our Group Contacts allow email blasts, so a MailChimp account is not needed (saving as much as $60mo.) and it all can be managed on your phone!

Our App is built for the needs of small businesses. The big companies have a One-Size-Fits-All App. Yes, at this point they have some features we do not, but not many of those features are really designed for small businesses. We say... don't take the Space Shuttle to the market when a Honda will do.
The website only has a single page, why do most websites have 5 pages or more?
If you are a small business, we believe it is for several reasons. First, we have features they do not have, like our Facebook like News Feed. Our 1-Step Buttons that, along with the Permissions feature, allow staff members to be safely included in regularly updating the website. This reduces management's duties and makes the website better for customers and for SEO. Notifications that tell management there was just a change to the website - now make sure the staff made the right changes. Our Group Contacts allow email blasts, so a MailChimp account is not needed (saving as much as $60mo.) and it all can be managed on your phone!

Our App is built for the needs of small businesses. The big companies have a One-Size-Fits-All App. Yes, at this point they have some features we do not, but not many of those features are really designed for small businesses. We say... don't take the Space Shuttle to the market when a Honda will do.
How does the enfohub App perform in a SEO test?
While it may sound like a single page website is not as good or has its own issues, it is just the opposite, it is the newer concept - the future in websites because a single-page website is great for targeting a specific audience and specific product/service. With all that said, if you're a Walmart, the enfohub App is not the right website builder for you - it was created for small to medium size businesses. Walmarts needs a space shuttle size website.
There are free website makers online, free is a better price, right?
If price is what matters and not getting found online and winning over prospective customers, etc., then yes. The tech world has a saying, if the product is free, YOU ARE THE PRODUCT. "No such thing as a free lunch!" There is always a catch if someone wants to build something just so you can use it for free. There are no companies out there acting as a community service, it's free for a reason. Free websites, whether from Google or one of the many Trade Listing sites (like https://www.cmac.ws/ which has 15,000 businesses) are free for a reason. Here is a list of why these sites are free:

- They sell your information throughout the internet.

- They often sell advertisements on your page your customers can see (often for your competitors). This is Yelp's model.

- They benefit from the SEO, visitors are going to their website, not yours, it may include your name, but it is theirs and you don't have an SEO ranking. This is also Facebook's model. .

- You do not have your own domain, you might have your domain forwarded to it, but there is no SEO credit for those sites for you.

- They have very limited features and low quality images and colors.

- There is no support, if there is a problem you are on your own.

- Due to their poor security, free website services are notorious for distributing malware. Your devices could get a virus.

- Include a menu with an Order Online button with Google and they raise your prices by 20% that your customers will have to pay & then sell the order to a 3 party App that charges you a commission!

- Many of these sites are "Link Farms" and you will soon start getting spammed.

- Some, like Yelp, will not delete your site. You thought, start with a free site & get a better site later, what happened is you created a competing website for your new nicer site. Customers may not find your better site.

- These sites are rarely mobile friendly.

- No linking or forwarding options.

-Free websites are terrible, even if you just want to just practice building sites.
There are a lot of companies that make websites, why is enfohub's different?
Most companies will make you a website using a website builder. We ARE a website builder!
We are a computer program using a tech stack of PHP, Java-Script, Firebase & the Native App using Flutter to name just a few of the languages. We do not use WordPress, Bootstrap, GoDaddy, Wix, Square or any of those off the shelf builders.

Plus, with our App, you can edit your website yourself, you are not dependent on someone else to manage it. You can have us create and manage it, but at some point, we are sure we'll teach you how to update it yourself.
I get emails every day saying theirs is better. Why use or keep my enfohub App?
We see a lot of emails going like this (AND WE MEAN A LOT!). I happened to run across your website today and it looks really good but noticed that your website is not ranking as well as it could be for certain keywords...

First, keywords have nothing to do with needing a new website. It's like, I want to help you by selling you a new car because I just happened to see that your car is no good due to all the ugly passengers in it. A new car will not make my passengers less ugly and keywords have nothing to do with how good a website builder performs. Another thing that is ironic, how did they just run across your website if it is not ranking on Google? Were they searching for a US handyman from India? Of course, there are local companies that use this tactic as well. Another tip that these are not genuine is, some customers are getting these emails sent to the owner's email address which is not posted on the website. Then where did they get it? From a mass email list from the domain directories! Probably never saw the website and any "report" on the site they may provide is faked.

Know this, when you purchase a domain you are given an option to have the ownership private. Yes, this is an upsell at the final payment stage, but well worth the price (typically $15 a yr). Without the privacy setting, the domain and your personal information becomes public information. Additionally, companies make a list of domain owner's information and sell it all over the world. This may have been ok just a few years ago, but now without the privacy option, be prepared for possible daily emails, calls and/or texts with scams that say they can help you (typically with your terrible website). One enfohub customer had a website he got after being told his first website wasn't ranking. The company's name included the phrase "Tri-City", yet a keyword test on the new and supposedly better website came up with only one city name, the business's office address - where the name clearly indicated it serviced at least 3 cities. The company had not a single mention (keyword) of the other cities it serviced, the website builders clearly were not client focused nor cared about creating a better website.

Last comment (these really drive us crazy!), another test for these emails, is there any mention of something unique to your website? Do they say anything specific that indicates they saw their website? Like, the color blue does not search well or the picture of you should not include your kids? Or is it written generically to fit every website in the world?
How can a website save me time?
A website can save a business a lot of time and do so in many ways. If you have read these FAQs many of your questions have now been answered before you speak to anyone at enfohub. Businesses interview customers for a good fit, the same as customers interview businesses. LET THE WEBSITE WEED OUT THE UNWANTED CUSTOMERS FOR YOU.

Another important way is, by a prospective customer seeing work samples, a menu, a location like the office, staff, etc. they will have some familiarity and will take much less time completing a sale. A website provides credibility, the first step in sales is completed before meeting with them!
Tell me about enfohub, what country are you from and more?
The founders are born and raised in the United States, they are small business owners in Los Angeles. They had been working on technology to help their businesses due to the unprecedented rise in wages and the arrival of the 3rd party ordering Apps. Finally with the issues Covid brought, they decided to share the technology they had been developing to survive with other small businesses. It was clear that all the Apps on the market were either One-Size-Fits-All, focused on larger businesses and just did not understand the needs of smaller businesses.
 "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication, and organization is the path to simplicity." - Steve Jobs
Free Mobile App
Build & maintain your website with our mobile App and get our free Task Manager too.

Or get our free Task Manager first. its free
"I not only use all the brains that I have but all that I can borrow." - Woodrow Wilson  “A good organizer App & a good website manager App both work like having another brain.”  -enfohub